Sunday, 26 February 2012

Friday's Finds

I should have posted these on Friday, as they were Friday's charity shops finds, but had some paving slabs delivered on Friday, so due to great excitement about not having to step onto a muddy lawn to hang washing out forgot to post them, but now hubby says he wont be paving just yet because he wants to change the steps, because now that I am getting a little older he wants the steps to be not so steep for me, me...what about him, at least he does think about me, so will have to wait a little longer for the nice paving, whoops getting sidetracked again.

Now the silly photos wont go the proper way round, I have tried and tried with these pics, but they wont do as their told, even eccentric daughter, who is a whizz on a pc couldn't make them play, so you'll have to be on a tilt to view them, think you can get the gist of them.  So...

lovely bits of lace and binding, in a lovely colour

lovely tiny, tiny bit of flowery lace

Hooray right way!

pretty teacup

silver plated, very large forks

pine spice rack thingy , now waiting to be painted and brought back to normality

all gathered from different shops, I sweep down one side of the street, scanning finds as I go, then do the other side of the street!

some pretty little daffs to finish it all off!

lip smackin good!

Bye till next time


  1. Some lovely finds.I havent been scouring the shops for what seems like ages.We are going away for a couple of days soon so fully intend to check out the local charity shops when we are there!

  2. Hi Julie,
    I love Bridport too, we would love to move there as we are always coming over your way.
    Thank you so much for finding me and following me. I will enjoy following your Saturday morning market and charity shop finds and pictures of life in Dorset!

  3. What lovely finds. Our charity shops are always full of really boring things!

  4. Ooh lovely finds. In our house that's known as doing a chazza run. Probably our equivalent of a supermrket sweep!!

  5. Lovely finds. Never find anything nice anymore where I live the charity shops are so expensive!
    Julie xxxxxxx

  6. Love your finds. I never seem to be so lucky.Must try harder!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Love the binding. I don't normally have much luck with charity shops, but recently found two 1920's plates in Oxfam. I collect the to use for eating outside in the summer!

  9. Lovely lacy finds - am having lots of blogger photo trouble today as well x

  10. I'm with Jelly Jam - it IS the chazza run! Great finds! xxx

  11. great finds, don't you think treasures are a bit thin on the ground lately?

  12. Lovely finds. I went cs shopping today with a friend but no real treasure uncovered.
    When blogger plays naughty I keep 'flipping' the photo in "My Pictures" file until blogger decides I've got it the 'right' way up. Doesn't always work though.
    Carol xx

  13. I love all those trimmings, excellent finds.

  14. well done you, good hunting! love it all! xx
