Sunday, 22 January 2012

Tour of the Dresser

Thought you all might like a bit of a nosey posey round my dresser, having had a bit of a tidy-up in it, as it was looking a bit tired and all sorts of rubbish seemed to have found its way in, sweets, receipts, lotto ticket, not a winner unfortunately. So here we go...

I have always wanted a dresser but never had the right type of house to have one, my first house was built in the 1940's and felt that one would'nt be quite right don't know why but it never felt like a dresser house, second house was a 60's bungalow, so definately would'nt be right in there, but I now  have a terraced house built in 1903 so a dresser is just right.  Haven't a date for when this dresser was made, its pine and has a glass fronted top, two draws across the top and two down the sides and a little arched cupboard in the middle all rounded off with white china knobs and is all warm and glowing, which I love...

Love this little corner, a little bit of cleaning involved with the cutlery and serviette rings, won't get done too often, so it can look old and worn

The little card with the initial 'L'  next to the photo is full of love letters sent by Lily's husband in the photo, so felt they had to be kept together as they were never apart, always happy

More family photos, with Lily again sat in the deckchair, have load of photos of these two in really funny poses!  They lived life to the full, right upto their old age.    Thats what makes all these photos so heartwarming.

Old buttons and cotton reels

Natural History corner

Kings and Queens... daughters collection

Cora and Percy, Cora on the left has a little vase at her base and holes so that you can put flowers in, and Percy is just Percy as snooty as ever

This photo is my Grandad and my Auntie, I never knew Grandad as he passed when I was only one, but do have a picture of him holding me at my Christening, so feel there is a connection there.  He worked for the Co-operative in Manchester, the plate and mug were presented to him at various times and his treasured swimming medals for lifesaving.
This little painted Angel comes to every house we go, I don't think she will be going to any more, right at the bottom it says "Bless this House"

So there we have it, a tour or the dresser hope you've all enjoyed it, I know I have as it brings so many memories.

Bye for now


  1. I've loved the tour, thank you - so many treasures to look at and admire. Beautiful.
    Love from Mum

  2. Thank you for showing your dresser it looks lovely.Love Jill xx

  3. Love to see all the old photos out and on view rather than stuffed away in a box somewhere.

  4. I loved this! Your dresser is a beautiful piece of furniture, but what's more, the collections within it are so lovely! I bet any visitors spend ages looking at all the photos and knick-knacks. One day I hope to have a dresser of my own, filled with treasures like yours!

  5. Thanks for the lovely tour of the dresser! You have some gorgeous things and especially love the old photos.I dont have anywhere to put one unfortunately so cant have one!

  6. Oh I just love it all, now....I want the birds, photos, everything! ;)

  7. Hi Julie, thank you for your kind, caring comment on my blog.
    Your dresser is full of such lovely things. I've just had a disaster - a shelf has fallen off the wall and several things were smashed, fortunately none of any sentimental value.
    Carol xx
